Hype Mag, we baak

Metal Monsters - Reprint.


This issue was a serious slap together...we moved to different printers here, however, with this edition, all in landscape, which was a mistake on the printers side.. However we have run with it, with a little updating. HYPE simply grabbed a large pile of graffiti on train photos, sent to us from all over the globe, and simply pasted down, on a couple of peices of card...
This reprint, will be a better then the original print. Why ? because , HYPE has updated the smaller magazine, in size, order..... All in the same reproduction, u had to turn the original different ways up, to look at the pages - Hype took the time, to tag artists on pages, as best as its ability, instagram..., Hype hopes a few of u heads appreaciate some of your pics back, of your own trains, and collections of others - I know many of u may have lost to raids, ex girlfriends burning, and all the usual loss of pics -
A great collection of trains over these particular years .
24 pages - all coulor - graffiti on train photos. 1991, 1992 , 1994 -
It's currently at print..should arrive sometime next week..
Taking orders